South System
Melhores Empresas Para Trabalhar
Talent Awards
Certificado Great Place to Work
Moss Carbon Neutral
Pacto Global ONU

Inspiring people
to innovate
the world.

We are +350 specialists in Information Technology.

We add value, ideas and business opportunities to clients in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Technology, agility and precision integrating people and innovation to transform traditional businesses into digital ones.

Welcome, we are SOUTH SYSTEM.



What if your company could focus its efforts
just to make your core business succeed?

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  • Anywhere

    Our multidisciplinary squads available globally working in the home office model.

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  • Hybrid

    Our multidisciplinary squads operating in a hybrid format.

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  • Fisital

    Our multidisciplinary squads acting in a face-to-face format in your company.

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  • SOUTH Solutions

    Digital Products

    As important as the final product, a fluid and integrated construction process is essential to guarantee the excellence of digital products. Our team develops products with an open scope based on the Dual-Track-Agile methodology, in which the customer can choose a partial cycle - with Design Sprint and Discovery - or complete, adding the Delivery stage.

    Digital Products

    Digital Solutions

    We understand that each company has specific needs and, therefore, our team also develops solutions through specific projects with a closed scope, defined by the client. South System's management includes the use of new technologies and development frameworks, in addition to ensure deliveries through incremental sprints quickly and transparently.

    Digital Solutions

    Software Architecture

    Immersion in the customer's IT area is the most effective way to collect information, evaluate processes and identify gaps and possibilities for improvement in all stages that impact the software architecture: infrastructure, work methodology, technologies, automations and lead time. From a complete diagnosis, our experts suggest changes in the scalable, stable and performance architecture, stack, automation tools and DevOps. The project can be carried out in full or in cycles - evaluation and diagnosis first, at another time the management and implementation of the changes.

    Software Architecture

    Automation of Robotic Processes

    In order for your business to thrive, nothing can replace human interaction. Behind each machine, programming and automation of tasks there are highly qualified people, who together find solutions. Our Robotic Process Automation (RPA) service includes the development of customized robot software to perform repetitive tasks, manipulate data and trigger various processes autonomously. Thus, our customers gain more time to focus on what really matters: their business strategy.

    Automation of Robotic Processes

    Data Services

    Do you know how to transform your company's stored data into strategic information for your business?

    Through specific Data Service services - isolated or combined - it is possible to treat, structure and improve data, ensuring agility and precision in decision making.

    Do you know how to transform your company's stored data into strategic information for your business?

    Cognitive Computing

    Artificial intelligence for decision-making automation based on data that requires the application of some type of specific knowledge.

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    Data Governance

    Fundamental to structuring data management, it includes consultancy and assistance for rules mapping and development, processes and standards for working with data.

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    Data Engineering

    Capture, extraction, cleaning, preparation, transformation, combining, loading and data storage.

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    Data Analytics

    Data analysis and delivery of reports, visualizations, insights and models essential for decision making.

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    Your future

    For South System, the well-being, quality of life and development of our team is a serious matter. We understand that each person is unique, with countless skills and possibilities for growth. For this reason, we value each of our employees, providing tools to motivate and inspire professional and personal life.